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Design Workshop to Solve National Problems of Interest

Sponsored by Proctor & Gamble Higher Education Grant


Overview: The design workshop brings together undergraduate students (from diverse majors and class levels) in the conceptual design of robotic solutions to address problems of national interest. The goal is to allow students from multiple disciplines, who otherwise may not interact until entering the workplace, to come together in a common setting to think about new approaches to difficult problems.

Process: As part of the design workshop, students must brainstorm and identify a workshop project that utilizes robotics to solve real-world problems.  Example projects include: designing robotics to assist the elderly and enable aging-in-place, developing a robotic scientist to help in understanding climate change and global warming, or constructing a robotic system to survey our borders.

Deliverables: As part of the workshop, students will bring their ideas together in a design document and present their findings. The goal is to motivate students and encourage their teamwork by exposing them to real-world problems.


Who Can Participate: The design workshop is open to undergraduate students of ALL MAJORS and ALL CLASS LEVELS. The purpose of the workshop is to provide an understanding of the process for problem-solving, and apply it to realistic scenarios of relevance to our society.

Workshop Dates: Tuesday and Thursdays, May 5-28th, 2-4:30pm.

Stipend: A small book stipend will be provided to students that participate in the workshop.


Applications: Download here. Deadline April 1, 2009.